Be a Better Lover ... TONIGHT
“Do You Make These Mistakes In Bed”Unlock the Secrets of the G-spot
Dear Friend, Remember when you attended high school and you experienced your first sexual encounter and thought wow -"This is HOT." As the years went by, sex started to lose it's luster - almost becoming boring. Well, those days have ended as of right now ... it's amazing by how quickly and easily you can make her orgasm and ejaculate.
I'll tell you more about my secrets (and how to use them in YOUR lovemaking) in a second. But first I want to introduce myself ... Hi - my name is Jani and I'm a sex workshop facilitator, sex writer, blogger, editor, sex educator, and sex lover. Like you, I'm a fairly good-looking guy, above average sense of humor, generally a nice guy with a lot of common sense. So how do I give her toe curling orgasms and make her ejaculate? It's really simple if you know how ... See if this sounds familiar? You read all the information you find about woman's sexuality. You sample all the "How to Make Her Orgasm" books and articles, one right after another. You found that about half appear successful to a point, some reads like pure hogwash, and about 5% actually know what they're talking about. Fact is ... None of them worked for giving her eye-rolling orgasms - EVERY TIME. And Do you know why ... ... Because most books and articles concentrate on intercourse, and clitoral stimulation for orgasms. But in reality, the G-spot contains the key - NOT the clitoris. Here's troubling statistics. • 75% of women regularly fake orgasms with their lovers (She lies, telling you she experienced "amazing sex"). • Less than 25% of women regularly experience an orgasm- that means 75% of women never orgasm with a partner (if you've ever wondered why she lingers so long in the bathtub ... maybe because that's her only opportunity to get herself off!) • After you uncover the secrets of the G-spot (some secrets I learned from a lesbian friend of mine), you discover, that she likes the romance of a relationship ... but ... • ... she needs, wants and craves sexual release. Here's your helping hand ...
Now discover… The Right (and the Wrong) Way to Make HerCOME HARD
The blueprint for better sex includes four comprehensive sections and an appendix: Here's the stuff you need in order to satisfy her ...Section 1: First Base Section 2: Second Base Section 3: Third Base
Section 4: Home Run
if You Suffer From ED or a
Sexpert, Violet Blue's thoughts on the G-spot:Plainly put, the g-spot is an area just inside your vagina, that when you're turned on, might feel really good to rub or massage. It might even feel so good you have an orgasm from that type of stimulation alone. About 1-2 inches inside and on the front (bellybutton side) of your vaginal canal is where urine leaves your body -- your urethra. The urethra is a little channel between your bladder and the outside world, and it's surrounded with erectile tissue (like in a penis) and about 40 glands and ducts that all respond pleasurably to stimulation.
Jani - I can't thank you enough for assembling this concise guide for pleasing my wife Shannon. I've suffered with ED for about 3 years now, and my relationship with my wife deteriorated because of ED. You have made our love life sizzle again. Not only have you provided me with a sex technique to please her, but you included a section on exercises that have helped my ED. After 10 years of marriage this book has added a completely new dimension to our sex life. Keep up the great sex tips. Dave Taylor - Los Angeles, CA - toolchest.com
Jani, "I bought the e-book for my boyfriend a few days ago and while reading, it dawned on me - a lover did the "Boink Her Pink" method on me a few years ago without me knowing what hit me. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Almost broke his hand, as I recall. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Mike has been trying to figure out just what this guy did to me (hells bells, I was trying to figure it out too!) - now I have it right here to hand him and he can get it together from there." With undying gratitude - Krys
Trust your instincts not the lies.
The big problem is that you believe the five big myths about female orgasms.
#1: There is no such thing as a G-spot - (The G-spot exists)
Myth #2: She doesn't need
to orgasm to feel satisfied. (Yes, she does need release)
Myth #3: She doesn't ejaculate
(Yes she can and will)
Myth #4: A large penis
is necessary to satisfy her (nope)
Myth #5: You know how to
please her (See above stats)
Sure, the kid might have the basic skills to have sex with her. But he has no idea how to really please her. Why? He lacks the techniques it takes to satisfy her properly.
Same with you. You've invested too much time and cash in your relationship to let it deteriorate because of lousy sex. You need an experienced lover as your co-pilot. And that's what you'll obtain with me.
Imagine you getting her off whenever you want ...
...better yet make her squirt and ejaculate.
It's a known fact that ...
"The G-spot, located 2-3 inches
inside the vagina on the anterior wall ... never was
it lost in the mountains of Tibet." - Jani |
So What's the ability for you to make her orgasm at will
worth to you?
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Definitely yes.
Sincerely - oh, have fun tonight between the sheets,
P.S. If you continue the same way, you're going to get the same results - faked orgasms. Try "Boink Her Pink"- see for yourself how our Sex Method and G-spot orgasm secrets can help you dramatically improve your relationship ... TONIGHT. Along the way, enhance your sex life, and help you make her orgasm and ejaculate that you have always wanted.
P.P.S. By now you must be dying to please her like never before.
do I want you to have this Book? - I know what you are
going through - I want to relieve your pain and humiliation
of not able to make her orgasm and ejaculate
- I know
I can help you --- Click below.
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